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  /    /  Best sellers, Clothing, Dress design, Girl, New in  /  Baby girl’s dress with ruffled design on the background of baby blue flower fabric, raw material by OLIRIVER 

Baby girl’s dress with ruffled design on the background of baby blue flower fabric, raw material by OLIRIVER 


H202  - Baby girl's dress with ruffled design on the background of baby blue flower fabric, raw material by OLIRIVER 

The lovely ruched neck design combined with gentle fluttering sleeves creates an elegant look for the dress. Embroidered motifs are added at the collar, standing out on the white fabric, creating a highlight for the dress.

The end of the dress is mixed with extremely delicate lace, the background of the baby blue flower fabric is light, eye-catching, and the baby wears it to school or out.

Soft raw material, absorbent sweat, safe for baby's skin.

Additional information

Weight 0,5 kg
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